Trauma Work

Trauma is divided into two primary categories: Big T and little t.
The former is a reaction to a deeply disturbing, life-threatening event or situation such as war, a natural disaster or a personal assault; the latter can result from a less immediately life-threatening situation such as illness or injury, affairs or relational betrayals, job loss, divorce or the death of a loved one.
Whether that “t” is big or little, trauma happens to most of us in a lifetime. We are then subjected to a range of symptoms including a lack of emotional stability, depression, self-isolation, lowered self-esteem, sleeplessness, substance abuse and/or an eating disorder. All can result when our human survival instinct of “fight or flight” kicks in and neither choice is an option.
At The Couples College, we take an integrative approach to trauma. Our first goal is to help you feel more stable. We will teach you ways to help regulate your nervous system, including simple techniques you can use anywhere, such as when you’re driving or grocery shopping. Sometimes, changing something as simple as your breathing pattern can help to restore a sense of calm and control in moments of upset.
The skills we share will give you the ability to live your life without being thrown into a panic or descending into helplessness. They can also help to bring your wise, caring adult self to the experience and free you from any shame you may be feeling.