Register for 5 Month Course

Register for 5 Month Course

Register for The Couples College

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When Love is Not Enough Online Skills Course

Course Goals:
  • Honoring each other’s needs around feeling loved, secure and respected.
  • Creating a healthy environment that supports our individual needs, dreams and goals.
  • Understanding how our past affects and influences the way we react and respond to each other, and what do we need to change or accept.
  • Recognizing power struggles: why they occur and how harmful they can be to friendship and sexual intimacy.
  • Learning to listen, show empathy, respond effectively and work as a team.
  • Maintaining a loving partnership where intimacy, passion, love and sexuality thrive.
*This is an online course. If you miss a session, it’s taped so you can watch later.
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Register for This Course*
Financial assistance is available - please indicate below if you would be interested and we will contact you.
Reservation Payment*
Once you submit the form, you will be automatically redirected to PayPal to pay for the first session.
You get a 20% discount if you were referred to us by someone who has taken our 10 month or 5 month Couples College course. Were you referred to us by someone who has previously taken our course?
Your Name*
Your Partner's Name*
Where are you in your partnership?*

MM slash DD slash YYYY
How did you hear about us?*

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Permission To Video*
This is required.

Group Guidelines

  1. Please show up on time. This creates respect for the leaders and other couples in the group. It is an expression of maturity and leadership. If you find that difficult, please discuss with the group leaders so we may help. Your participation represents a commitment to the curriculum and the process to build a successful partnership.
  2. Please make every effort to protect the meeting times for the course. It is important in order to respect your intention to improve your partnership and to keep family or business obligations from interfering with that intention.
  3. Confidentiality/Boundaries. This is a confidential group. What people share in the group is not to be shared with others. We encourage you to share your experiences with other, however if you want to talk to a partner or friend, talk about your personal experience. Do not share what happened to other members.
  4. If you are struggling with some aspect of the group, it is essential to let one of the leaders know immediately. It is important to discuss what is happening to work toward a resolvable solution.
  5. You are responsible for the full balance of the class. If you miss a session you are responsible for payment. Exceptions to this are when we have made a special arrangement with you.
  6. Tips about getting the most out of group:
  • Participate actively you’ll find out more about yourself if you’re involved. Experiment with new forms of behavior. Until you begin to act differently, you won’t change. Take risks ... this is structured to be safe and supportive
  • If you need to express a conflict with someone in the group, do use language that comes from your feelings or experience. Avoid hurtful or attacking language. It’s o.k. to disagree, but not to be disrespectful.
  • You can also come to one of the leaders privately if you need help with an issue or person in the group and we can talk about the best way to handle it.
  • Accept responsibility for your own experience. Allow your partner and others couples in the group to be responsible for theirs.
  • Learn to listen... if you are formulating your thought while someone is talking you are not really hearing what is being said
  • Be spontaneous... often we wait our turn to speak, try to be polite, or think about what we want to say for so long the moment passes.
FINAL NOTE: If you are going to miss a session please notify us at least 24 hours before group. If you are running late, call one of our cell phones before group begins to let us know. If you are in an emergency situation please try to call our cell and let us know what is happening.

We read and agree to the group guidelines
Your signature here indicates that you and your partner are agreeing to the Group Guidelines above.
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