June Couple’s Tips on Empathy, Vulnerability and Courage
In this couple’s tip, check out these videos of Brené Brown speaking on empathy, vulnerability, courage, all essential qualities for deep connection.
Empathy is a crucial skill for intimacy. When we choose to listen with empathy, the speaker experiences being emotionally felt and understood, it is one of the qualities necessary for secure attachment. By learning to allow the discomfort of vulnerability, we feel loved for who we are.
Courage enables us to speak up, ask for what we need, take responsibility for our mistakes, and make repairs.
Please check out these links to be inspired and laugh with Brené Brown:
Empathy- length 2:53.
Blame- length 3:25.
Vulnerability- length 20:19.
Pop some popcorn, and snuggle up with your partner to watch Brené Brown’s, The Call to Courage on Netflix. It is well worth the 76 minutes.
Here are some great lines from it:
“Today, I will choose courage over comfort. If you are brave with your life, you will fail. Vulnerability is having the courage to show up when you can’t control the outcome.”